Sharper Image Management Consultants Inc.
Making small changes can make a big difference in your community.
Renovation was made possible with a small one-time $400.00 homeowner assessment and without any loans. The Association added some architectural features such as coffers under windows, awnings, decorative railings, and new lighting.
Renovation consisted of obtaining a loan for the replacement of all siding, decks, railings, pool deck, chimney caps, signs, and to make structural repairs. This project had become a distressed property due to insufficient funding over a 20-year period along with inferior building products. Siding, railings and signs were replaced with composite materials to minimize future maintenance and repair. The project is well on its way to a full 20-year renovation.
Renovation consisted of obtaining a $1,000,000.00 loan for the replacement of all roofs, gutters, fences, lights, mailboxes and siding. This property also elected to change their community name in order to separate themselves from years of deferred maintenance resulting in poor sales.
Presentation Boards are a must when trying to convey your renovation vision for the property to your Residents.
Renovation was made possible by a $500,000 settlement from a Class Action defective siding claim and a small one time homeowner assessment. The project consisted of replacement of damaged siding, removing outdated lattice and adding architectural features like gables, columns and shakes. The project also included the renovation of the amenities areas.
Renovation consisted of obtaining 2 small loans over an 7 year period which were used to replace ineffective knotty pine siding with composite vinyl, replace back decks with composite materials, replace gutters, replace chimney pans, make extensive wood repairs and renovate pool area. The front entrance was renovated by funds from the City of Smyrna for land needed to widen Spring Road. The Association is currently in the process of renovating an unusable area of land, along their creek, for a walking path. This project will be done in conjunction with the City of Smyrna and at no cost to the Association.